Bangladesh former PM flies to US

Bangladeshi opposition leader Sheikh Hasina has left the country following her temporary release from prison to get medical treatment abroad.

The government has allowed the former prime minister - who is being held on corruption charges - to leave detention for eight weeks, officials say.

She left on a flight to London on her way to the US.

Her Awami League party officials will now hold talks with the government over the staging of the December elections.

The Awami League had been boycotting the talks, demanding that Sheikh Hasina be released first.

She is among scores of politicians detained by the army-backed government for alleged corruption .

She is due to have treatment for hearing, eyesight and blood problems.

'Worsening ailments'

The Awami League leader was released from her special jail on the grounds of parliament on Wednesday.

A senior party member told the BBC that her ailments had all worsened considerably since she was jailed nearly a year ago.

Her doctors insisted that she could not receive the right medical treatment in Bangladesh.

The BBC's Mark Dummett in Dhaka says it is not clear how serious her condition is or how long the treatment will take.

It is not certain that she will be in the country to contest the elections, our correspondent adds.

In April last year, the military-backed interim government tried to block Sheikh Hasina's return from a personal visit abroad.

It was forced to allow her back, although she was arrested soon afterwards.

The government also tried to force the other main opposition leader, Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party, into exile.

But that plan also failed and she too was jailed.

Khaleda Zia has also been given the chance to go abroad for medical treatment but she has refused the government's offer.

Correspondents say the government believes its plans to reform Bangladesh's political institutions will not work as long as the two veteran leaders are still on the scene.

Both women deny all charges against them.


Posted by DReaMeR, Thursday, June 12, 2008 8:43 PM