Brangelina Gets Ready for School

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are putting down serious roots in France.

In addition to recently making a deal to move into the $70 million Château Miraval, the couple has enrolled son Maddox into a local school in Brignoles, sources in the village tell E! News.

"They've got Maddox signed up in the nearest school to their château, and he'll carry on where he left off at his French school in New Orleans," says a local source.

While the entire family awaits the birth of the twins, Maddox is already doing his homework. Says a source: "He's got a French teacher to help him over summer and to make sure he doesn't forget how to speak French, and the kids are all watching cartoons in French as well, rather than via English cable like they had at their last place."

"The French teacher's coming three times a week and spending time with all of the children, as well as Brad and Angelina," adds the source, saying that they're trying to get the other kids into a local nursery in September, as French kids don't start school until they are six anyway.

"They both want the kids to live normal lives, and they're going to stay in France."


Posted by DReaMeR, Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:02 PM